What is Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)?

Applied behaviour analysis, commonly referred to as "ABA" is a logical, common sense and ordered way of supporting and/or altering behaviour.

It involves observing behaviour, analysing the steps that lead to a behaviour, and then teaching or modifying these steps one at a time. The principles of behaviour therapy have been developed through more than 50 years of scientific research.

Key components of ABA are:

A "functional analysis" of behaviour. This refers to the observation of current behaviours for how often they happen as well as the triggers and consequences of displayed behaviour. The analysis tries to understand how the behaviour started and why it carries on.

Breaking down desired skills into small steps. Small steps are easier to teach!

Teaching the steps This is usually fun and needs lots of practice, (these repeated learning opportunities are sometimes referred to as "discrete trials")

Collecting data on behaviour to make sure that we are changing the behaviour and that things are improving generally.

Although behaviour therapy is a method of intervention used for children with Autism, it is also used extensively in the general community. For example, behaviour therapy techniques are used in sports psychology to motivate and train elite athletes, in the teaching of daily skills such as learning how to ride a bike or teaching a child how to brush their teeth, and in the corporate world to enhance staff performance (e.g., workplace incentives or monetary bonuses).

ABA involves the development of individual programs based on the child's strengths to help target their areas of difficulties. The programs are put in place by working jointly with the family and all others working with the child or adult. Therapy sessions typically involve a well balanced amount of fun time and activity to develop learning, social and communication skills. The aim is to make therapy sessions as relaxed an enjoyable as possible. Steps are taken to make certain that learning transfers to various natural environments where the yield or adult lives, works learns, socialises and has fun.

How Psychology.im can help

We can provide a detailed assessment and intervention programme using the processes of the Institute of Applied Behavioral Analysis to support those working with children or adults presenting with severe and challenging behaviours
As the opinion is independent you can be assured that the focus is upon best interests.
Any interventions with be ethical and entirely avoid the use of punishment .