What is Educational Psychology?
Educational Psychology is the application of psychological theories, research and techniques to help children and young people who may have learning difficulties, emotional or behavioural problems.
What do Educational Psychologists do?
Educational psychologists tackle the problems encountered by young people in education, which may involve learning difficulties and social or emotional problems. They carry out a wide range of tasks with the aim of enhancing children's learning and enabling teachers to become more aware of the social factors affecting teaching and learning. Reports may be written about children for allocation of special educational places, or as part of court proceedings or children's panels.
How Psychology.im can help
If your child is having difficulty at school or if you feel that school is not providing enough support, then a professional assessment may help you in discussing matters with your child’s teacher, head teacher or Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO).
As the opinion is independent you can be assured that the focus is upon your child’s best interests.
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