
Skilled and Professional Services for real people

Divorce and separation:
About 1 in 2 children will have direct experience of the challenges of divorce and separation in their immediate families.  The frequency of marital and life partnership breakdown has steadily increased over the last 30 years.  Living through such an event is hard emotional work and takes time. 

divorce lawyer

How can help

Talking with a psychologist who is experienced in family work and has knowledge of and expertise in  child development, relationship dynamics, communication and conflict mediation can help.

If your child is having difficulty with behaviours or emotions then we can help. It does not matter if the problems are at home or at school.

It may be that you feel that school is not providing enough support. If so, then a professional assessment may help you in discussing matters with your child’s teacher, head teacher or SENCO.
You may just want some help and advice at home without having to tell school.

As the opinion is independent you can be assured that the focus is upon your child’s best interests.

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